Artist Collective


The great creators of the past understood that true masterpieces require the duality of science and art. Leonardo daVinci dissected corpses to more deeply understand anatomy, coupling that knowledge with the inspiration of his brushstrokes. Michelangelo believed that an artist paints with his brain, not his hands, but viewers of his work can’t escape the thoughtful reflection of humanity that undergirds many of his masterpieces.

Today, our society has forgotten some of the classical principles that enabled these men and women to make advances and propel humanity forward. Similar to the Renaissance of the 1500s, when men and women harked back to the principles of antiquity to guide them forward, we can reflect on the processes of master artists and creators to understand how to establish something that withstands the test of time.

In the current ecosystem of interconnectedness and information, a vast potential exists for artists to illuminate and inspire. With this purpose in mind, Pythia works with dedicated artists to help them deliver an inspired vision to a greater audience. Our artist community’s vision is to create a new renaissance of artistic growth and energy.

Reema Al-Zaben